RRDE – ultra-low noise rotator and controller
The Autolab rotating ring-disk (RRDE) rotator uses a double, friction-less, mercury-based electrical contact for both electrodes. This ensures ultra-low noise measurements even in the most demanding experimental conditions.
- Full control: the RRDE rotator can be controlled manually using the Autolab motor controller or remotely using the NOVA 2 software
- Accurate control: the rotation rate can be controlled with a precision of a single rotation per minute (RPM) between 100 and 10 000 RPM, with an acceleration and deceleration rate of 4 000 RPM/s
- Compatible: the RRDE controller can be used in combination with any Autolab potentiostat/galvanostat
Customized packages can be configured based on your current or future research goals. Contact us for more information.

RRDE Cell – measurements done right
Rotating disk electrode (RDE) experiments flow solution to the electrode surface which allows researchers to study the kinetics of charge-transfer processes at their steady-state, mass-transport limits without the influence of diffusion. Levich and Koutecky-Levich analyses are used to model reaction kinetics as a function of rotation rate.
Rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) experiments expand the usefulness of RDE experiments by adding a ring electrode that can be biased separately from the disk with a bipotentiostat. This gives rise to generation-collection experiments, where the reaction products from the disk are detected at the ring, or shielding experiments, where the ring and disk undergo competing processes to study how shielding species at the disk can affect the kinetics of the main reaction at the ring.
Electrocatalysis experiments with noble metals and platinum, in particular, must be carried out in the cleanest possible conditions.